
How To Feel Clean On Your Period

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Are you tired of feeling horrible, unclean, and useless while on your period? Maybe you've had it for a while or you are a new-starter. Either way, this article can make you feel better during your time of the month.

  1. 1

    Have enough supplies. This is the most important thing. If you have had your period for a while you will know which products you prefer, how heavy your flow is and if you prefer tampons over pads. When you have just started most girls use pads.

  2. 2

    Always keep spare pads and tampons with you. Even if you don't have problems with irregularity, a friend may be in need for supplies. It's always better to be prepared.


  3. 3

    Talk to a trusted adult, best friend or sibling. Ask about which products you should use, or stick to the regular ones for your age group.

    • Order free samples so you can try them all (don't try them at school or work because it would be better to leak at home than in public.)
  4. 4

    Realize that it can be embarrassing to talk to your mother about these things. Don't forget that she understands. After all, you are both women.


  1. 1

    Change your pad/tampon regularly, if you are scared of leaking. This is especially important if your flow is heavy.

    • If you are unable to change it and you have a heavy flow either use both a pad and a tampon, or use a pad and two pairs of underwear. It is better to wear a pad and then wear some shorts and a pair of loose trousers for comfort and reassurance.
    • If you have an event where you have to wear a dress, wear spandex yoga/workout/bike shorts under the dress to prevent an unwanted accident.
  2. 2

    Use a heavy pad or a nighttime pad when you go to bed. Since you won't be able to change it, a thicker pad will offer more protection as you sleep. Wear old pants and pajama bottoms. If you think you might leak, wrap an old towel or blanket around you or around the mattress at the level of your likely leakage onto the bed.

  3. 3

    Wear dark clothes, if you are worried about leaking. Or, make sure to have a jacket with you to tie around your waist, just in case.


  1. 1

    Dress comfortably. For example, tight bottoms aren't comfy, while fabric with give will be much gentler on your tummy area. Maybe wear some loose jogging bottoms.

  2. 2

    Understand that cramps are normal. It's best to get up and about to take your mind off it. Maybe do some exercise, but not intense exercise. Try doing some light stretching. If it feels really bad, take some ibuprofen. Often you get backaches, so don't slouch and don't lie down. Try a hot water bottle or rub your tummy gently! If you have a cat, get them to sit on you, they act like a hot water bottle especially when they purr!

  3. 3

    Try to participate physical education (PE) at school. If you cannot do so due to discomfort, get a note from your parents excusing you from participating.

    • If you are self-conscious about changing, go in the bathroom, in a private corner or wear a long t-shirt. Remember to check yourself regularly.
  4. 4

    Don't wallow and get stressed about your period. The fact is that almost every girl will get one and will understand how you feel. Talk to your best friend or someone you're open with about your feelings.

  5. 5

    Keep calm. You might be getting emotional, it might be PMS. Try to stay calm, laugh and smile, you will feel better emotionally. If you have really bad mood swings every time the period arrives, talk to your doctor.

  6. 6

    Use the bathroom when it's empty, if you are shy. If you are scared that someone will hear you changing in the bathroom, go in there when it's empty or do it whilst a toilet is flushing. Remember to dispose of the used items properly.

  7. 7

    Don't let it get you down. It's just one of those things all of us females have to go through, it proves we're healthy and fertile for the future.


  1. 1

    Eat healthily during your period. Stay away from salty, fatty foods - they will make you feel worse. Have some fruit - bananas are known for helping with cramps.[1]

    • Keep a little bit of chocolate with you; when you're feeling down, chocolate may help you feel better. Maybe even have a chocolate coated strawberries as a snack!
  2. 2

    Try to have a shower everyday. This will make you feel clean and refreshed. Spray some of your favorite perfume/body spray to keep you smelling sweet.

    • Wear perfume if you like it. Wear a bit of perfume or scented body spray to help you feel nice and fresh.
    • Limit the amount of makeup you wear; it's best to feel fresh and confident.
  3. 3

    Use a pantyliner you have discharge whilst not on your period. Pantyliners are also a good idea to use when you're expecting your period to prevent an unexpected leak.

  4. 4

    See your doctor if your period looks or feels abnormal. It's best to get it checked out. Better to be safe then sorry!


  1. 1

    Keep a calendar or diary of when you have your period. Note how long it lasts for, how you felt, and how heavy it was. This information can be useful for a range of reasons, including checking your health, knowing when the next period is due, and later in life, helping to determine your fertility. It's a good habit to get into.

  1. 1

    Soak stains in cold water. If you do stain a pair of trousers, soak and then rub with a mixture of cold water and salt. Rub the area, rinse, leave it to dry and repeat. Also washing out the stain with hydrogen peroxide will work; make sure you test it out first to ensure it will not bleach or discolor your clothing. It will have faded hopefully, then fold them up or put them in the wash. Or pour something down it and rub it and say you've spilled something down your bottoms!


Add New Question

  • Question

    How long is a period?

    Community Answer

    Usually 4-5 days, but it might go up to 7 if it's longer or 2 when it's short.

  • Question

    Can I take a shower when I have my period?

    Community Answer

    Yes, you sure can and you should too, to keep clean.

  • Question

    What does it mean when my period "starts unexpectedly"?

    Community Answer

    Your period isn't going to start on the same day every month; it will usually be off by a few days. When you first get your period, it may be even more irregular for the first few years.

  • Question

    I'm scared and I want it to stop soon because people are looking at me suspiciously when they get near me. What can I do?

    Community Answer

    You should neither be scared nor worried. Periods are a normal part of every woman's life. You might suspect people staring at you, but that's because you're stressed about it. Just always carry pads/tampons and change them frequently in order to have good hygiene.

  • Question

    What should I do if I am too afraid of sharing the bed with my partner because I might stain the sheets?

    Community Answer

    He/she should understand, and it shouldn't be a shameful thing. You could try using a darker bed sheet however; this will help hide any potential stains.

  • Question

    Can I participate in PE in school while I'm on my period?

    Community Answer

    Yes, physical activity will help you take your mind off of your period. However, don't overdo it or you might cause pain or shift the pad.

  • Question

    What happens if I am too scared to change my pad at my partner's house?

    Community Answer

    Wrap up your leftover trash now a bag (bring one with you) and put it in a purse if you're nervous about him seeing it. But he should understand and support you; it's natural and it's good for you to learn early on what ideas he has about bodily functions.

  • Question

    Can I take a bath while on a period?

    Community Answer

    Of course you can. The warm water may even help ease any cramping that you might have. Water also tends to stop the flow.

  • Question

    How do I get to feel more comfortable wearing a pad?

    Community Answer

    Try all the different options. There are many different brands, sizes, shapes, etc. If the ones you're using are uncomfortable, switch to something else. If you're talking about being mentally comfortable, if you're new to wearing pads, it might just take some getting used to.

  • Question

    Why do I feel so sick while on my period?

    Community Answer

    The period can result in many things that cause you to feel sick, such as headaches, cramps, and feeling unclean all at once, plus your hormones are all out of whack. Everything just adds up and your whole body takes a toll. See your doctor if you're not tolerating the feelings well, to rule out any particular problems.

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  • Try not to think about it too much. Doing so will make you even more stressed. No one will know you're on your period if you don't tell them.

  • If you're feeling down, list all the good things that happened; at night, sit down and make a list of the good things that happened today and maybe recall a joke your friend made to make you laugh. Or, list your favorite things; think of the best things in life and what really matters to you, not a stupid period.

  • Don't wear any light colors like white, cream and khaki in case you leak. If you stain these, it'll be hard to get blood out.

  • You can learn a lot by looking and asking; that's how most of the things written in this article were learned.

  • If you are worried about leakage, get info about menstrual cups. They are be very handy and can even help you with cramps.

  • Tampons may leak too, so it is a good idea to wear a panty liner as well to catch the leakage.

  • Make sure you are eating healthy (avoid junk food, things high in sugar and sodium) and drink lots of water(tea, cranberry juice and pineapple juice too).

  • Try organic pads and tampons with no scent.

  • You can use a feminine spray between your thighs or on your underwear. Use unscented, all natural, baby wipes. Make sure you are dry after changing.

  • Wear shorts or spandex under your clothing.

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  • Don't leave a tampon in for more than eight hours due to the fact that if it's in there too long, you might be at the risk of contracting TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome), which is rare but dangerous. Don't be scared, as only two percent of women all over the world get it, and you are most likely not one of them but do keep in mind the time you've worn a tampon for and keep it fresh.


Things You'll Need

  • Pads/tampons
  • Diary/calendar
  • Body spray/ perfume
  • Over-the-counter painkillers (Ibuprofen, Aleve, Advil; choose as needed, since people respond differently to different pills)
  • Case for supplies
  • Hot water bottle

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How To Feel Clean On Your Period


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